Daily Bread: In a Time of Waiting
by Rowan Kulp
In this current time, it is really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even as I am waiting for the end of Covid, for Easter to come, or even the end of school,
I'll pray almost monotonously the Lord's prayer without thinking about it. It is an engrained tradition to pray the Lord's prayer, but often enough I have not sat on the meaning or the importance of what I am praying.
However, recently in the Lord's prayer, God pulled out the following words to me" "Give us this day our daily bread." As we pray for our daily provisions, God provides them.
Waiting does not mean fearing, because God promises to provide. Even beyond the Lenten season, I still need to rely and trust in God's plan. God promises to provide, and that should not be taken lightly.
While it is still a struggle to fully trust in God in all aspects of life, God still comes through. This struggle is far from unique to Lent, but needs proper attention, being very clear that God does follow through on His plan, particularly during the Lenten season.
During Lent this year, I've been focusing and praying on those words, and how in a time of waiting I could be better trusting in God.
